MayaToBackburner2010.mel 2010/10/20 updated | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Description: This simple scripts enable you to submit Maya and other appz's rendering command to Backburner. To use this scrip, plz put a line noted below to "userSetup.mel" in your script directory. eval("source \"MayaToBackburner2010.mel\""); (If "userSetup.mel" doesn't exist, create that by yourself.) By doing so, "Backburner" menu will be added to your maya's menu. |
Depth_Shader_Creator.mel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Description: This scripts enable you to to create depth pass, like the one which maya 2008 creates. It also detects trasnparent shader, and keep that's transparency. Usage: After pressing "Assign Depth Shader!!" button, plz select a sampler info, which is connected to all shader's network. That has two attributes, "Camera near clipping plane", and "Camera far clipping plane". By changeing these numbers, you can adjust depth shading range. |
ObjectID_Pass_Creator.mel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Description: This simple scripts enable you to create max-like ObjectID pass. First, assign miLabel(which is like "Object ID" property of 3ds max), by pressing "Label selected objects pass!!" button. You have to assign different label numbers to each group, which share same miLabel. Then, press "Create ObjectID PASS" button.v Important: You have to use "mental ray " renderer, because "miLabel" can be recognized only by mental ray. |
MayaToBackburner.mel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Description: This simple scripts enable you to submit Maya and other appz's rendering command to
Backburner. (Maya To Backburner)
ChangeMR_RenderAtt.mel |
Description: This simple scripts enable you to change mental ray's rendering |
attribute for selected objects.
Mirror_ClusterMuscle.mel |
Description: This scripts enable you to mirror Cluster Muscle node. |
And, it also has other small functions.
PointOnSurfaceAndCurve.mel |
Description: This scripts enable you to constrain an object to |
nurbs surface or curve by using pointOnSurfaceInfo node and pointOnCurveInfo node.
VertexConstrain.mel |
Description: You can constran a object to a vertex of polygon object with this. |
AbsoluteCentering.mel |
Description: Description: This scripts just put a object, whose transformation |
is freezed and history is deleted, to a center in world space coordinate.
CombineGroupToPoly.mel |
Description: This scripts enable you to combine all polygons and nurbs |
in a group to a polygon. Also, you can adjust tessellation of Nurbs To Poly converting, and reduce polygons all at once. If you want to adjust tessellation and Nurbs To Poly command manually, you can change line 37 and 67 by your hand.
SaveNotifierForUserSetup.mel |
This scripts enable you to start automatically Save Notification at startup. |
Just open userSetup.mel and paste this script to that mel. To change default notification interval, plz change a line below in this scripts. $myInterval = 300; This interval means 5 minutes (5*60seconds).
RenameFileExtension |
This scripts rename extension of files and reload them |
after you convert them to other format with other application like photoshop.
JustListMaterials |
This scripts list up all materials in your scene to text scroll list. |
By clicking the name of material, attribute editor of that material will open. You can assign selected material to multiple selected objects. (First you have to select material in the list, then select objects and press "Assign Material To Selection". It's a little bit diffrent from hyperShade :) )
NurbsModelingSuite |
This scripts has minumum tool set of nurbs modeling, like attach, detach, |
rebuild, and so on. And other tools for changing panel state like x-ray, look selected are also included. If you wanna hide all UI components including shelf except menubar and concentrate on modeling,this script may be your help. If you find any problems, plz e-mail me.
ReloadFiles |
This scripts reload all files in your scene. |
You can check how the process is going with progress bar. (I made this script 'cause some other texture reloading scripts didnt work with my scene :(..)
MatFilePlace2d |
Modifed /2007/08/04/ |
This scripts list up all material in your scene. When you select a |
material in the list, it also list up file and place2d texture nodes which are connected to that materail. Then you can change some attribue of those nodes like filter type, pre-filter radius, wrapUV all at once. You can also make bot file or map file of selected files.
ChangeFilePath |
This scripts just change file path of all file nodes in your scene. |
(You have to copy that file to the new path before you change the path). If you wanna change file path to relative one, just press change button.
JustMakeBot |
This scripts make bot files and load these files. |
When you just wanna make bot file of selected files only, you can use MatFilePlace2d.mel. If you want to get back base files, plz use ChangeFilePath.mel and RenameFileExtension. When you've already converted files to bot files and just want to load them, you can use RenameFileExtension.mel and change extension to bot. (If you updated texture and you have to remake bot files, you have to change extension to base file's one like .jpg, then do make-bot again. If you do make-bot with leaving extension as bot, nothing will change.)
JustMakeMap |
This scripts make memory-mapped texture (which is like mental rays version of |
bot file) and load these files. When you just wanna make map file of selected files only, you can use MatFilePlace2d.mel. After you've converted them, maya will give you a caution that file fail to load. But, nerver mind that because maya jsut cant load map file natively, and there is no problem when you use mentalRay renderer. If you want to get back base files, plz use ChangeFilePath.mel and RenameFileExtension. When you've already converted files to map files and just want to load them, you can use RenameFileExtension.mel and change extension to map.
SaveNotifier |
This scripts notify you of saving time at intervals you set. |
And it ask you whether you want to save scene or not. Type SaveNotifer in command line, then press enter. Just by pressing start button, it starts working and you can close this scripts window. When you wanna stop this scripts, open this scripts window by typing SaveNotifier again then press stop button. After you changed interval value, you have to press start button again. If a waning like this happens "Warning: line 1: The specified scriptJob (821) does not exist.", and can't stop this script, then plz save your scene manually and restart Maya.
HairStrokes |
This scripts enable you to tweak strokeShapes and burshes in your scene all at once. |
By selecting a stroke or brush in scroll list, you can also tweak parameters of individual stroke.
JustListSwitch |
This scripts list up all shading switch connected to a material.
You can add and remove and tweak inputs of those shading switch.
When you use "Get Files And Connect", you have to name files with
obeying to the naming rule of Deep Paint 3D like this:
materialName.shapeName.Color(Bump,Glow,Shine,Opacity).tga |
For example, file name can be "blinn1.right_hand_1.Color.tga". ---Left-Right file sharing--- If you've connected "blinn1.right_hand_1.Color.tga" file node to right_hand_1 in switch list and"added left_hand_1 to the list, you can automatically connect "blinn1.right_hand_1.Color.tga"file node to left_hand_1, too." To use this function, you have to use "_"(underbar) after "right" or "left". Recommended workflow is that use "Remove all connections from switch" then "add surface" then "Get Files and Connect".
SelectParticles |
This simple scripts enable you to select all particles(Component) of a particle.
Basic usage is that first select a particle in outliner ,then press select particles button. |
SwitchLowRes |
Description: This scripts enable you to switch texture file between normal one and low-res one.
To use this function, you have to make low-res one manually. File name have to be as filename_LowRes.extension.
ex. lambert1.testLowRes.Color.tga¢ªlambert1.testLowRes.Color_LowRes.tga |
alignScalePivot |
Description: This scripts let you align an object scale pivot to a target object's scale pivot.
If you've freezed a target object and make all rotate value zero, this scripts won't work. |
hexagonCurve |
Description: This smiple scripts create a hexgon and fillet square cv curve by clicking a button. |
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